How to multiply 11 by 11 without calculator?

 Whenever someone says to calculate 11 X 11 = ?, then what we think at first place? Either we take a calculator and says oh! 11 X 11 = 121 , its very easy....and if you don't have calculator with you, then you will multiply like 11 X 10 = 110 + 11 = 121 or the traditional way of multiplication using paper.


                                                            X 11






So, its also OK, right?  

But just think if anyone ask you to calculate the multiplication of 1111 X 1111 ? and someone says to calculate it without calculator?

So, there is a very easy tricks to do it just in a second. This tricks will work if both sides of multiplication have the same number of digits and all are 1's

So, the tricks is:

    1. First count the number of 1 in any side of multiplication (E.g: 1111 X number of 1's is 4)

    2. For result of multiplication start from 1 to number of 1's and again to 1 

For example, 11 X 11, here number of 1's in one side is the result will be 121

111 X 111  = 12321 (here number of 1's in one side is 3)

1111 X 1111  = 1234321 (here number of 1's in one side is 4)



111...N X 111.....N = 1234.....N...4321 (here number of 1's in one side is N)

So, its very easy 😍😍😍!!!!!


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